Tag : commercial


Brighton Cineworld – Property Photography

During the Covid-19 lockdown Brighton Cineworld underwent a transformation and PR company HK Strategies asked me to document the refurbishment. The photography of the cinema was easy and a joy to capture, the new brand identity was slick and as a photographer who loves watching films and property photography – this was the perfect job for me, I was in my element. All interior shots were on a tripod and using a 16mm wide angle lens. The cinema screens had […]

Concordia Dental - Corporate Interior Design Photography by Brighton Photographer Emma BaileyReception

Concordia Dental – Dentists

Based in Hove, Concordia Dental asked me to capture their refurbed surgery. The interior decoration was elegant and the new improved surgeries were easy to photograph. The camera was on a tripod as I was using a slow shutter approximately 1/10 and I used my Speedlight flash on a monopod on various manual flash settings, bounced off the ceiling to wrap light around important objects in the room. Another image was taken to capture the ceiling without flash and these […]